Northern Wanderings; Day 6

Our tour today started at 8:20 under sunny skies with a temperature of 56. The high temperature today was only 68!

We took off southbound on 26 and turned west on 38, which took us to Ontonagon, MI on the shore of Lake Superior. When planning the route for today Google Maps revealed the fact that there was a lighthouse here. It was no easy task locating it and the shore of Lake Superior was not bueno. The very muddy Ontonagon River empties into Lake Superior nearby and that chocolate colored water was rolling onto the shore.
Add to that, the lighthouse was a dinky little thing that, from a distance, looked more like a buoy of some sort. Don't bother stopping in Ontonagon, MI.

Hwy 64 took us west and south to Hwy 28 west, which plopped us off in Ironwood, MI. I dropped off Chris at a Ben Franklin for some shopping while I hit a car wash to clean up Poonie (much needed).

We continued westbound out of Ironwood into Wisconsin on Hwy 2 and then turned north on 13. A short distance up 13 I was rewarded for cleaning Poonie by rain. It was short lived but lasted long enough to make the highway wet.

We stopped for lunch at The Fat Radish in Bayfield, WI on the shore of Lake Superior or Chequamegon Bay. Chris picked this restaurant, which was also a coffee shop. It was the sort of trendy foo-foo place that I would not pick but we gave it a shot. The food was LARRAPIN good! I enjoyed the white fish nachos and Chris enjoyed her soup and grilled cheese.

We continued north, west and back south on 13. Google Maps took us on some county roads south to Hwy 2 westbound to Amnicon Falls State Park near the junction of 2 and 53. We enjoyed checking out the falls and walking around the park.

Leaving Amnicon Falls State Park we took 2 and 53 westbound into Superior, Wisconsin and I-535 I-35 to our hotel in Duluth, MN. It was a fun day covering 280 miles. Due to cool temperatures, the top was only down for a couple hours.

To see all the photos taken today, click on this link: DAY 6 PHOTOS


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