Northern Wanderings; Day 7

Today was a relaxing time putsing around Duluth, Minnesota. We left our hotel at 8:50. It was partly sunny and 61 degrees. Our first stop was a Great Clips so I could get my ears lowered.

Stop two was at Enger Park Tower, which is located on the Skyline Scenic Byway.

From here we had a great view of the Aerial Lift Bridge at Canal Park.

Rotary is heavily infested in this park. There is a big Rotary Wheel in the stone walkway, Rotary memorial benches are located throughout, and the posts that hold the lights around Enger Tower are all adorned with Rotary plaques.

From Enger Park we went to Canal Park where Chris did some shopping followed by lunch at Bellisio's Italian Restaurant. It was delicious and our waitress made it even more enjoyable.
Chris enjoying outside seating and the meal at Belissio's Italian Restaurant
After lunch we walked along Lake Superior and got a close up look at the Aerial Lift Bridge.

We arrived back at our hotel a little before 2:00 where we enjoyed a nap, a soak in the hot tub, a dinner snack, some Poonie cleaning and some TV watching. As I said, it was a relaxing day.

Click on this link to see all the photos taken today: DAY 7 PHOTOS


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