ALASKA; Day 12; July 26, 2012

We left Homer at 8:15.  It was 59 degrees and cloudy.  It had rained in the night and we were wondering if we would get wet today.  Larry and Gary put on their rain suits to make sure we would NOT get wet.

We rode Hwy 1 back to Anchorage.  We were back-tracking routes we’d already ridden so we didn’t take too many pictures.  The temperature dropped to 54 before rising to 66 when we arrived in Anchorage at about 1:15.

oil change before heading home tomorrowWe changed the oil in our motorcycles in the hotel parking lot and then delivered the used oil to a recycling facility in Anchorage.  The beasts were ready for the trip back home.  It was 70 degrees when we were changing oil.

We had dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant before retiring for the night.  We rode 235 miles today (224 according to Garmin).

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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