ALASKA; Day 2; July 16, 2013

HAPPY B IRTHDAY to Bryan, my youngest son.  He turned 33 today.

We blasted out of Jamestown, ND at 6:40 and it was 66 degrees.  A beautiful morning.  We rode north and west to Canada seeing some pretty scenery around Minot.

We entered Canada at Portal, ND.fixin to enter Canada

As luck would have it, Larry and I were singled out for searches.  I was dog-sniffed and a Canadian customs agent searched my motorcycle and trailer.  Larry received the same treatment.  For some inexplicable reason, Gary and Carl were left alone.  Perhaps they checked every other vehicle.  I was the first one through and Larry was the third.bikes being searched by the Canadian MANFortunately, they didn’t find all our contraband and they let us into Canada.

We had lunch at a hole-in-the-wall establishment in Midale, Saskatchewanlunch in Midale, SKand then stopped for gas in Regina (rhymes with vagina), Saskatchewan.  While we were stopped in the parking lot a guy backed into Gary’s trailer causing minor damage.  Darned the bad luck.

We rolled into North Battleford, Saskatchewan and stopped for the night at a Super 8 motel.  Today we rode 695 miles by odometer and 670 miles by Garmin.  The high was in the 70’s and it was a very good, but long, day.

For pictures from today click on the following link:


Claire Caterer said…
Charlie, I'm so glad you're blogging about the trip! I'm excited for you guys and I'm following along with you from my armchair.

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