ALASKA; Day 16; July 30, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Eric, my oldest son, who turns 36 today!

Before leaving New Hazelton we had breakfast at the New Hazelton Café.  A small Asian man was the waiter and cook.  A one-man operation until his woman showed up.  It was funny – he did not understand the concept of eggs being cooked over medium.  Our choice was sunny side up or scrambled.  It was a good breakfast despite the limited egg choices.

DSCN1833New Hazelton was in or near the mountains, which were visible as we rode eastbound on Hwy 16.  The mountain scenery gave way to farm land (a lot of hay fields).  We also saw a lot of log trucks and a large saw mill near Vanderhoof, BC.  After gassing up in Vanderhoof we continued eastbound on 16 to Prince George where we made a WalMart stop.

East of Prince George we rode into forest with mountain views.  The forest consisted of very tall pine trees.  A road-side sign identified the forest as an “Ancient Forest”.  A sign at a rest stop said some of the trees in the forest were 1,000 years old.DSCN1840

Hwy 16 took us on east to Hwy 5, which took us south to Valemount, BC.  We spent the night at a Super 8 motel and had dinner at a restaurant across the street.

Today was a beautiful day of riding (475 miles – 456 according to Garmin) under blue clear skies and temperatures ranging from 55 to the mid 70’s.

Tomorrow we ride through the Canadian Rockies and into the good ole US of A.  I’m looking forward to being back in our country.

I miss you Christine Sue – I’m on my way home, slowly but surely!Hello Remus . . . . . . .  I miss you!

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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