ALASKA; Day 14; July 28, 2013

We left Ida’s Motel (the rooms were acceptable but the management/staff left much to be desired) at 7:05 and it was 55 degrees under cloudy skies.  It looked like we might get wet.  Our route today was a repeat of our route on July 19 (Alaska, Day 5) but in the opposite direction.

We stopped for gas and breakfast at Burwash Landing.  We would have eaten at Ida’s Motel but the room was hot and they were very much short staffed.  The staff they did have was slow and incompetent.  I think they were the owners.  It took us 15 minutes to gas up at their pumps.

We made several other stops including Whitehorse, Teslin, a rest area and a “resort” along the road.

Our lodging for the night was Andrea’s Hotel in Watson Lake.  We opted NOT to stay at the Air Force Academy (where we stayed last week) because it did not fit our bill.  We had a fair dinner at Andrea’s restaurant before calling it a night.

We found out that quality lodging and dining on the Alaska Highway is difficult to impossible to locate unless (maybe – we did not try it) you stay in the bigger towns and the only big town I can think of is Whitehorse.

We rode 575 miles today (550 by Garmin).  Tomorrow we leave the Alaska Highway and ride new territory, southbound on Hwy 37.

We encountered a little light rain today with temperatures varying from 52 to 77.  I was glad to have my leather coat!  We started out with clouds and ended up in sunshine.  Another beautiful day on the Alaska Highway.

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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