ALASKA; Day 5; July 19, 2013

Regarding the Air Force Lodge, where we slept last night in Watson Lake, I forgot to mention something in yesterday’s blog entry.  The proprietor did not allow us (or anybody) to wear shoes or boots into his lodge.  We had to leave our shoes inside the front door.  This was to keep his place clean, which it was.  Larry was NOT happy about having to remove his shoes.

We had breakfast at Bee Jay’s Café in Watson Lake and then visited the Sign Post Forest . . . . .Watson Lake, Yukonbefore leaving town at 8:30 or so.  It was 57 degrees and  sunny.  A short distance out of town we ran into a construction zone.  So we were waiting again.

The Alaska Highway treated us, again, to beautiful scenery.Alaska Highway between Watson Lake and TeslinWe rode west through Teslin and Whitehorse to Haines Junction.  The Alaska Highway (Hwy 1) runs west and north from Haines Junction paralleling a mountain range, which would be absolutely beautiful under blue clear skies.  It was pretty enough with the tops of the mountains in the clouds.

Between Haines Junction and Burwash Landing there was a long stretch (about 20 miles) of relatively fresh chip seal so we were riding in dusty gravel again.  There was another 3 mile section of dusty gravel too.  Our bikes were a mess again.

We departed Burwash Landing headed for our day’s destination in Beaver Creek.  With a name like that it had to be a a good place!  This leg of our ride was a real adventure.  The road was rough and there were dips and humps spaced randomly over the roadway.  Riding the motorcycle was like riding a bucking horse.  At one point Carl, who was leading the procession, commented over the CB that his legs would be cramping that night because of the continuous strain of keeping his ample butt off the seat.  Gary then replied that his large butt had just been launched off his seat.

Westmark Inn; Beaver Creek, YukonWe stopped at the Westmark Inn in Beaver Creek and Gary was laughing.  He said he’d witnessed Larry getting bounced 1 foot off his seat on one of the bumps.  Larry noticed that the bag he had bungee corded to the rear seat was completely turned over.  Must have been a big bump!  We have to take this same route in reverse when we head home next week.  We’ll take it slower next time.

We had dinner at the hotel and called it a night.  (As I sit here, it is after 11:00 pm and still light outside.)

Today we rode 575 miles by my odometer (551 miles by Gary’s Garmin).  The high temperature was in the low 70’s and, again, we experienced some light rain.  Another great day of riding.  Tomorrow we’ll be in Anchorage.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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