ALASKA; Day 13; July 27, 2013

Carl and I saw our better halves off at 3:30 in the morning.  They were on their way to the Anchorage airport to catch a 5:05 flight home.  It won’t be the same without them.

We checked our tire pressure this morning and found them low.  We filled em up and were on the road at 7:30, eastbound on Hwy 1.  It was cloudy and 61 degrees.  We stopped in Palmer for gas and continued east.  The temperature dropped to 54 and we rode in and out of clouds (or fog?) as we went up and down in elevation.

After 120 miles we were into the sunshine and we could see some of the glaciers on the mountain range to the south.  When we stopped in Glennallen for gas it was 68 degrees.

Hwy 1 took us north to Tok where Larry did some last minute souvenir shopping and we gassed up again.  Then it was eastbound into Canada and their god-awful roads.  None of us were singled out to be searched this time!  We stopped in Beaver Creek and spent the night at Ida’s Motel after having a larrapin good pizza dinner (Larry was a radical and had a t-bone dinner) at Buchkshot Betty’s across the highway.

I stopped by the Westmark Hotel and picked up my leather coat that I’d left there on July 20th.  It was good to have it available again.

We rode 455 miles today (433 by Garmin) and the weather turned out to be BEE-U-TEE-FUL.  Our high temperature today was 77.

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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