ALASKA; Day 8; July 22, 2013

We left our hotel at 9:30 am.  It was 66 degrees under blue clear skies.  We rode Hwy 1 north.  Early in the trip, near the junction of Hwy 1 and Hwy 3, we saw a moose off the side of the highway.  We continued north on 1 to the Talkeetna turn-off.  The ladies did some shopping in Talkeetna and we had lunch at the West Rib (good chow).  We continued north on Hwy 1 to milepost 231 where we stopped at the Denali River Cabins and Cedar Lodge.  We stayed in the Cedar Lodge.

I really enjoyed the views of Mt. McKinley and the weather really cooperated.  After our initial moose sighting we saw a group of 3 moose some distance off the road north of the Talkeetna turn-off.Chris and I; river and Mt. McKinley viewed from just outside Talkeetna, AK

Another GREAT day!

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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