Northeast or Bust; Day 1

On the road again, and I am ready!  Our friends, Bill & Jamie, contacted us some time ago and told us they were going to ride to the New England states and wanted to know if we wanted to tag along.  Chris and I jumped on the opportunity because this was one of our bucket list rides.  Below is Chris all togged up and ready to roll.DSCN7822

We met Bill & Jamie plus Gary and Larry, who were riding single, at a Quick Trip at I-435 and Wornall in Kansas City, MO at 8:00.  Then we were off eastbound through Lee’s Summit, and Sedalia to Tipton, MO, where we stopped for gas and a butt break.  We continued eastbound to California, MO where we picked up Hwy 87 southbound almost to Eldon.  Bill led us eastbound on Hwy 54 and southbound on Hwy 17 to I-44.  Below is where Hwy 17 crossed the Gasconade River.DSCN7826 (2)

We rode east on I-44 to exit 169 (I think).  Along this stretch of highway we saw a sign for a business called “Uranus Fudge”.  Now that sounds tasty?

From exit 169 we rode south and east on an alphabet soup of county roads to Salem, MO.  Here we had a late lunch at the Roadhouse Bar & Grill on the west side of town.DSCN7827Larry was sure it was once a strip joint.  He probably has experience in such things.

From Salem we took off south to Eminence, MO, where we stopped at the Dairy Shack for an ice cream treat.DSCN7833Then we continued south to Hwy 60 that took us east all the way to our day’s destination, a Comfort Inn in Sikeston, MO.  About 20 miles short of Sikeston we stopped for gas and Bill made some phone calls regarding motel reservations.  While Bill was on the phone Gary syphoned water out of Bill’s cooler so Jamie could put ice in it.  So I had to take a picture of Gary sucking on Bill’s hose.DSCN7834

It was a good day of riding with mostly sunny skies and a high of 90 degrees.  We covered 430 miles.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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