Northeast or Bust; Day 10

Normally we eat breakfast at our motel but this one did not provide it.  We started our day at 8:15, riding a little over a mile to downtown Bar Harbor for a LARRAPIN good breakfast at Café This Way.  It was 50 degrees under blue clear skies.

We rode north up Hwy 1 and as we went we saw decreased traffic congestion, fewer towns, and an increased speed limit (clear up to 55 mph).  We continued to see a lot of crab apple trees, old churches, seagulls and Dunkin Donuts.DSCN8113 (2)

We arrived at Quoddy Head State Park shortly after noon.  This is the site of the eastern most point in the USA and the Quoddy Head lighthouse.DSCN8134We took some pictures, climbed to the top of the lighthouse, and walked down to the shore.  Well, some of us walked down to the shore.

We had a very late and disappointing seafood lunch at Uncle Kippy's Restaurant in Lubec, ME before checking into our rooms at the Eastland Motel (the easternmost motel in the USA).DSCN8139 (2)After a couple games of golf (Jamie and Chris won – again) we called it a night.  One hundred and twenty four miles of sightseeing today with a high temperature of 61.

Today when we were leaving Bar Harbor, north and west of Trenton, ME, we saw a bald eagle flying in the sky over the highway.  Later, at the Quoddy Head State Park, we saw a bald eagle sitting on rocks in the Atlantic Ocean and watched as it flew away.  Pretty cool.

Tomorrow we head back inland and start our journey home.

For pictures taken today click on the following link:


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