Northeast or Bust; Day 13

Gary did some reading and diagnostic work on his Goldwing last night.  He is convinced the fuel pump is the culprit.  His current fuel pump lasted 140,000 miles so that isn’t too bad.  He called two Honda dealers in the area and neither had one in stock.  Evidently, due to their cost and how seldom one is needed, they don’t keep them on hand.  Gary called Honda Direct Line and spoke to a gentleman who gave him the name of two dealers in other parts of the country who have the needed fuel pump in stock.  Gary called one and it will be shipped overnight to our hotel.  It should be here by 10:00 tomorrow morning.

So . . . . . we are in Watertown, NY for the day and another night.  Some are getting laundry done and we’ll swim, play cards, eat and relax.  Doesn’t sound bad at all.

No pictures from today.


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