Northeast or Bust; Day 2

We departed Sikeston, MO at 8:00 under blue clear skies.  It was 72 degrees.  We rode 359 miles today and the high was 88 -  it was sunny all day long.

We rode in four states; Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee.  We crossed three rivers; Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee.DSCN7842

Our route took us through Cairo (Illinois), Paducah (Kentucky), almost to Clarksville (Tennessee), and through Russellville, Bowling Green, Columbia, Burnside, and Parker’s Lake (all in Kentucky) before landing in the Cumberland Falls State Resort Park.

We saw fields of tobacco and tobacco drying in barns along the highway.DSCN7853 (2)

The ride on Hwy 90 to the park was beautiful.DSCN7870

Our lodging for the night was a cabin we rented in the Cumberland Falls State Resort Park.DSCN7877

Another great day of riding . . . . . . with more to come.  Life is very good!

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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