Northeast or Bust; Day 12

Mom always said to start your day with a good breakfast.  We walked to the Littleton Diner for breakfast this morning and enjoyed a good breakfast.  Mom would have approved.  Bill was the only one disappointed – his oatmeal was dry.  Chris really loved her home made corned beef hash.

We were on the road at 8:30 and it was 50 degrees.  Larry led the way.  We rode west into Vermont and through the state capital, Montpelier.  I was able to get a pic of the capital building.DSCN8221 (2)From there we rode to near Charlotte, VT (Cedar Beach?), where we hopped on a ferry that took us across Lake Champlain to Essex, NY.IMG_0816

It was around noon so we had lunch in Essex.  Chris and I had soup at the Pink Pig while the others had sandwiches and hotdogs at a place one block away.  Then most of us had ice cream for dessert.

Our next stop was Lake Placid, NY in the Adirondack Mountains.  This was the location of the 1932 and the 1980 winter Olympics.  As we rode through town we saw the towers for the ski jump events.  We also saw the ice skating venue, the outdoor speed skating track and other buildings with the Olympic rings on them.   We didn’t stop to check anything out because it was raining lightly and we were trying to make Watertown, NY for the night.

It had been raining lightly since before we arrived in Lake Placid, so we donned our rain suits when we stopped for gas.  This guaranteed we would see nothing more than sprinkles all the way to Watertown.

The fall foliage color in the Adirondacks was the best we’d seen the entire trip.  It was just too bad that the sun wasn’t out to light it up.DSCN8249 (2)

We arrived in Watertown at about 5:30 and checked into the Hampton Inn Hotel.  Gary was unable to get his motorcycle started to move it to a parking spot.  He had an “F1” error light on indicating there was a problem.  He was unable to fix it himself so tomorrow we’ll be looking to have it checked at a Honda motorcycle dealership.

We rode 287 miles with a high temperature of 72 and a little rain.  Tonight as I write this it is raining outside.  I hope we don’t have to deal with rain tomorrow.

For pictures taken today click on the following link:


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