Northwest or Bust; Day 11

We enjoyed some homemade muffins at the motel office before taking off westbound – to begin our journey home.  It was 8:00, 48 degrees, and clear.  Gary was leading the herd.

We rode to Bangor, Maine and much of the route was very lightly populated and heavily forested.  The speed limit was a blistering 55 mph despite the wide well-maintained highway.DSCN8148On the way to Bangor I was able to get pictures of Larry and Gary riding down the highway.  The picture of Bill and Jamie was blurry so I did not save it.

You can’t ride through Bangor, ME without stopping at the home of Stephen King, the author.  The wrought iron fence in front of his house is decorated with bats and a three headed dragon.DSCN8175Jamie talked to a gentleman walking his dog and found out that the big white house next to the house pictured above was also owned by Stephen King.

After burgers at the Ground Round in Bangor we rode west into New Hampshire and at Gorham we turned south, to experience the White Mountains, which were beautiful.DSCN8192 (2)

At Hwy 302 we turned west again and rode to Littleton, NH.  We saw the most colorful fall foliage of the trip along this stretch of highway.DSCN8203 (2)

The Littleton Motel, the oldest motel in New Hampshire, was our lodging for the night.  The high temperature of our 336 mile ride today was 73 – cool and beautiful.

To view pictures taken today click on the following link:


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