Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 10

It was raining when we woke up this morning and it delayed our start to 9:00 AM. The temperature was a cool 63 so the top stayed up. Later in the day we decided to keep the top up for protection from the sun.

We took some back roads from Montpelier to Middlesex where we hopped on 100B southwest, to 17 west to Chimney Point, VT, where we crossed the Lake Champlain Bridge into New York.

On the New York side we stopped at the Lake Champlain visitor center, which was closed, maybe because it was Sunday. Chris and I walked to the center of the bridge to get some photos of the lake and the Champlain Memorial Lighthouse.

From Port Henry, NY Hwy 9N took us north and west to Keene, where we caught Hwy 73 west to Lake Placid. Our intention was to spend some time in Lake Placid, which had been the site of the 1980 Winter Olympics. From Keene to Lake Placid and beyond, however, there was an Ironman competition in progress. We figured crowds would be a problem and we knew traffic was a problem so we did not stop.

Hwy 86 took us to Saranac Lake, where we stopped for lunch, before catching Hwy 3 west to Watertown.

From Watertown, NY we traveled south on I-81 to exit 37, where we went west to Hwy 3, which took us south and west to Oswego, where we stopped for the day at 5:45. We drove/rode 290 miles today and our high temperature was a pleasant 80 degrees.

After checking into our hotel we took a short walk along the Oswego River behind our hotel. The Oswego River empties into Lake Ontario.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 10 Pics 


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