Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 14

Another 8:00 AM start today under cloudy skies with a temperature of 73. Rain looked imminent.

As we departed the area of Monroe, OH I lost track of the highway I was to be on so I set the GPS for Liberty, IN. From Liberty we traveled 44 west to Connersville, 1 north to Cambridge City and 40 west to Knightstown, Indiana.

Knightstown is home to the Hoosier Gym, the place where home Hickory games were filmed in the movie, "Hoosiers". We were provided a very informative and interesting tour.

While waiting for the gym to open we explored Knightstown and enjoyed lunch at a Mexican restaurant. So our visit to Knightstown lasted well over 2 hours, much longer than planned.

There was a large mural, a scene from the movie "Hoosiers", painted on a building downtown.

We continued west on 40 to Greenfield, where we jogged north to I-70 westbound; I-465 south and west around Indianapolis; back on I-70 west into Illinois to Effingham, where we stopped for the day at 3:40. We traveled 270 miles today, ran through a little light rain early in the day, and experienced a high temperature of a very humid 91. Chris and I did not have the top down all day. Early on it was either threatening rain or raining and the rest of the day it was hot and humid.

Click on this link to see all photos taken today: Day 14 Pics


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