Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 11

Departure from Oswego, NY was at 8:00 under sunny skies with a temperature of 70. The route for today was 104 west; 14 north to Sodus Point; Lake Road west; a county road south back to 104 westbound; interstate highways around Rochester; Lake Ontario State Parkway westbound; 18 westbound; Niagara Scenic Parkway southbound to Niagara Falls; Interstates around and through Buffalo, NY south to Hwy 60 south to Jamestown, NY.

We enjoyed the Sodus Point Lighthouse even though the visitor center was closed. The grounds were very nice.

We found the Braddock Point Lighthouse but it was part of a private residence behind a fence. A kind neighbor showed us a public path to Lake Ontario that gave us a good view of the lighthouse.

We arrived in Niagara Falls, NY at about 12:45 and we were hungry so we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe across from Niagara Falls State Park. It rained while we were eating and, fortunately, it stopped before we visited the park. While seated in the restaurant I noticed that my wallet was no longer in my pocket. Carl told me that some unknown employee asked him something about his wallet and Carl had no idea what the guy was talking about so he ignored him. I asked the staff about a found wallet and they had it; all cash and credit cards inside. Some kind soul saved my bacon.

We enjoyed our visit at Niagara Falls State Park.

We arrived in Jamestown at 5:45 having traveled 270 miles. Our high temperature today was 84. Another great day!

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 11 Pics


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