Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 13

The day's travels started at 8:00 AM under sunny skies with a temperature of 68 degrees.

Our route today was I-76 west from Wadsworth, OH; 57 south; 585 southwest to Wooster, OH; 3 south to Mt. Vernon where we put the top down at a red light; 13 south; 661 south; 16 west; 310 south; I-70 west; 256 south to Pickerington, OH; from the Pickerington area we had the GPS lead us (on back roads) to our hotel in Middletown/Franklin, OH.

In Pickerington we visited the American Motorcyclists Association Hall of Fame.

After the museum (which was not air conditioned!) we drove a short distance to O'Charley's Kitchen and Bar for lunch. Good eats but they misspelled Charlie.

Shortly after lunch the Tamale rolled over 10,000 miles.

Carl stopped for a break at a small park that had a waterfall. How fortuitous!

After settling into our hotel we left to visit Aunt Joann, cousin Wayne, his wife Susan and their family where we enjoyed a great meal and conversation.

Our travels today covered 228 miles and our high temperature was 90.

To see all the photos taken click on this link: Day 13 Pics


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