Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 9

It was a highway 2 day, all the way from Bangor, ME through New Hampshire to Montpelier, Vermont.

Before leaving Bangor we stopped at Stephen King's house for a photo op.

It was a pretty drive but slow. The maximum speed limit today was 55 but much of it was 50 or less. We stopped in Bethel, ME for lunch.

In St. Johnsbury, VT we stopped for some local maple syrup.

Before calling it a day we stopped at the Vermont state capitol building for a few photos.

Our route today covered 247 miles. We saw a boat load of motorcyclists out enjoying the great weather. The high temperature was 83 degrees and you can see in the photos that we had blue clear skies.

To see all the photos taken today click here: Day 9 Pics


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