Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 16

Chris has an old friend, Sue, who she has not seen for around 50 years. Every time we have been in the area of Moberly, MO she mentions the fact that Sue is married and living on a farm somewhere nearby. Last night I did some internet research in an attempt to find her husband, Dale. I came up with an address about 7 miles from Moberly.

We woke up this morning to cloudy skies. Before we left a storm rolled through with heavy rain and lightning. It rained or sprinkled off-and-on for the rest of the day. This pic was taken looking out our hotel window. Great scenery, huh?

At 8:30 we left to find Dale and Sue's farm. As we drove by the farmstead Chris decided she wanted to knock on the door and find out if Sue was there. She was and Chris enjoyed a brief reunion. Dale and Sue were both very nice and hospitable. Below is a grainy photo of Chris and Sue taken about 50 years ago followed by a photo taken today.

We returned to Moberly and stopped at a Caseys for a snack and beverage before we hit the road. It had been about 3 hours since breakfast! With a vanilla creamed coffee and a bag of TGIF potato skins in hand we were on the road, westbound on Highway 24.

We stopped in Lexington, MO for lunch and a short walk. Fortunately, it did not rain during our visit. Using Tamale's GPS we attempted to find a restaurant or cafe without success. Resorting to Google we found the Red Roof Diner.

After lunch we wandered around for awhile. There is still a cannon ball stuck in one of the columns of the Lafayette County Courthouse from the battle of Lexington in September of 1861.

Our wandering took us by Hannah Banana's so we dropped in for some ice cream.

Highway 224 took us westbound out of Lexington. At Wellington we caught 131 south to 24 westbound. As we reached Independence, MO we took 291 south to I-70 westbound through Kansas City to I-35 southbound. Before going home we stopped for a few groceries so we'd be set for a few days. It was raining as we loaded groceries into the car.

At 2:45 we arrived home having traveled 180 miles. The high temperature today was 81 degrees.

Click here to see the photos taken today: DAY16PICS 

Our trip is over and it covered a total of 4,103 miles. Carl planned a great route that provided amazing scenery and many places to stop and do the tourist thing.


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