Northeastern U.S.A. - Day 12

Our group took off from Jamestown, NY at 8:00 AM under blue clear sunny skies with a temperature of 63.

Our route was I-86 west into Pennsylvania; I-90 west; 98 north at exit 16; 5 west; 20 west to Conneaut, OH; 531 west to Geneva by the Lake, OH; 20 west; 528 south; I-90 west; I-271 south; 8 south to Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Brandywine Falls; back roads into Hudson, OH for lunch; 303 west; 8 south; 77 south; 277 west; I-76 west to Wadsworth, OH, where we stopped for the day at 3:15. We drove 202 miles today and our high temperature was a steamy 90 degrees.

Part of our route paralleled the shore of Lake Erie. In Geneva on the Lake (Ohio) we stopped at a small park for my only photo of Lake Erie.

In Cuyahoga Valley National Park (just south of the Cleveland area) we viewed Brandywine Falls. It was very pretty but after seeing Niagara Falls yesterday it wasn't all that impressive.

Gary and Denah were leading today so they picked our lunch spot in Hudson, OH.

Gary and Denah had to get home before the rest of us so, after a tasty lunch, they took off to get some more miles under their belts before the sun went down. Carl, Marge, Chris and I traveled about 35 more minutes to Wadsworth, OH to our hotel. I cleaned Tamale last night and thought she looked really nice parked at our hotel.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 12 Pics


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