Colorado; July 29, 2014

We started the day with a soak in the hot tub located on the deck of our cabin – nice.Jenna, Molly, Ben and Eric

Our goals today were to ride the gondola at Breckenridge, possibly play at the fun park there, and have dinner at a steakhouse called the Mint in Silverthorne, CO. Years ago, Molly’s family would eat there when visiting Colorado and she wanted to check it out again.

As we drove north on Hwy 9 we saw a scenic spot and stopped for a photo. A kind lady there took a picture of all of a stop along Hwy 9 north of Alma, CO

We rode the gondola in Breckenridge but when we arrived at the fun park it was raining so all the “stuff” was closed. There was also a threat of lightning moving in, which would shut down the gondolas, so we rode back down while we could.

Having some time to kill, we drove Hwy 6 east out of Dillon up to Loveland Pass. It was cloudy there but still beautiful scenery.DSCN5300a

The Mint provided us an excellent steak for dinner, which we cooked ourselves over their grill. Afterwards we had some ice cream to top it cream for dessert

The weather today was wet off-and-on and I don’t believe it ever got out of the fifties. But still, it was a fun scenic day in Colorado.

The motorcycle sat idle again today.

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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