Minnwichigan; Day 14; July 18, 2014

WOW – another great day – 66 degrees and blue clear skies as we rode away from our motel in Memphis at 8:00 for a short jaunt to the other side of Memphis for breakfast at the Gingerbread House Restaurant.breakfast in Memphis, MO

Today we were just riding home through Missouri. Our route took us through Unionville, Princeton and Trenton. We stopped in Jamesport so the ladies could do some more shopping . . . . . downtown Jamesport, MOand then in Gallatin for lunch at the Corner Café. The food was good but they allowed smoking, which made the place stink.

We rode on home through Hamilton, Kearney and Kansas City. Our ride today was 245 miles.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6037825863807712993?authkey=CPzw6fuQjNzHWQ

Our total trip mileage was 3,300 and a grand trip it was. Chris and I enjoy traveling with Carl and Marge, the weather was fantastic (nice and cool – in July), and the scenery was beautiful. And for icing on the cake, we got to see Deb, Tim, Tammy, Myrna and Stub in Montrose Iowa.


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