Minnwichigan; Day 12; July 16, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our son Bryan who turned 34 today!

When we first went outside today it was nice and sunny. By the time we left at 8:45 some clouds had rolled in and it was 63 degrees. If the fact that we were next door to Amish Acres was not enough, I was reminded that we were in Amish country when a horse drawn buggy went by in front of the motel.

We rode south out of Nappanee to Hwy 10 and then west to Illinois. We saw a lot of corn - many corn fields with corn of various heights. Early in the day we also passed another Amish buggy on the highway and saw numerous Amish farm homes.Amish buggy on Hwy 19 south of Napppanee, IN 

A few miles south of Nappanee Carl turned over 100,000 miles on his Goldwing. He pulled to the side of the road and took a picture of his odometer.DSCN1843

In Watseka, IL we stopped at the Watseka Family Table Restaurant and had a very average lunch. We were a bit disappointed because there were a lot of cars in the parking lot, usually a good sign.

We rode west on Hwy 24 . . . . . . Hwy 24 westbound in Illinoisinto Peoria, where we stopped for the day at a Quality Inn.

It really was a great 246 mile ride today. Most of the roads were straight (as in the picture above) but it was in rural, lush and green Indiana and Illinois with beautiful skies and a high temperature of 73. It’s hard to believe it’s mid-July.

To view pictures taken today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6036798419817967441?authkey=CKzU3JKe4eTzmAE


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