Minnwichigan; Day 10; July 14, 2014

It was mostly sunny and 68 degrees when we rode away from our motel.

We made our way through Bay City and then rode Hwy 25 north, east and south again around the thumb of Michigan. Riding north took us by several potato farms and one good sized wind farm. It was a beautiful day for riding and Hwy 25 hugged the coast of Lake Huron. North of Caseville we stopped at the Thompson Scenic Turnout and played in the lake.Carl & Marge on the shore of Lake Huron

Chris and Charlie in Lake Huron

We stopped again in Harbor Beach so the ladies could do some shopping, which was followed by lunch.lunch in Harbor Beach, MI

Another shopping stop in Lexington.  Confused smile

After 212 miles we stopped for the day at a Best Western in Roseville, a suburb of Detroit. We enjoyed a swim in the outdoor pool before calling it a night.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6036065694768345905?authkey=CMeip9CenvaRjQE


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