Minnwichigan; Day 3; July 7, 2014
We took off today at 8:10 under blue clear skies with a temperature of 72. It was beautiful.
We rode east to McGregor and north to Jacobsen. Almost immediately after turning westbound on Hwy 200 we crossed the Mississippi River, which was a relatively short distance from its beginning.A short distance west of here we turned and rode a county road north and west to Grand Rapids.
This road was designated as a Minnesota Great River Road. We never saw the river while riding this road but it was nearby.
We rode on west into Bemidji, had a very good lunch at the Keg N Cork Pub and visited the giant Paul Bunyan and Babe (the blue ox) on the shore of Lake Bemidji.
From Bemidji we rode south and west to Itasca State Park. As soon as we arrived it started to rain. Fortunately, it was not a real hard rain and it didn’t last too long. We enjoyed riding around the park, walking to the headwaters of the Mississippi River . . . . . . . . . . and seeing the giant white pine tree.
We rode 258 miles today and spent the night in Bemidji. It was a great day of touring Minnesota. The high temperature of the day was 81. VERY NICE.
For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6033509772527509617?authkey=CPm25fzFp_f2vgE