Minnwichigan; Day 6; July 10, 2014

It was nice waking up on the south shore of Lake Superior in Copper Harbor, Michigan. Skies were clear, the air was crisp and cool and the gulls were squawking. A great start to a great day.

riding south on the Keweenaw Peninsula; Hwy 26We left at 9:00 and aimed our beasts south down the Keweenaw Peninsula. It was a very pretty ride, especially toward the north end. The temperature was 64 degrees. We were doing no sight-seeing today (except for that which we could do from the saddle) but we stopped briefly at the Eagle Harbor lighthouse for a picture.

We rode Hwy 41 south and east to just east of Marquette, where we picked up 28 east, then 77 south and finally 2 east along the north shore of Lake Michigan to St. Ignace. We stopped for the night a a Quality Inn. We intend to visit Mackinac Island tomorrow.

We rode 310 miles today. Our lunch stop was at a Hudson’s in Marquette and Chris enjoyed the roadside wildflowers (again today).

We did encounter a dumb bunny today. I think it was on Hwy 2. Carl was leading and I saw him swerve. A small critter, which had been running down the road, quickly ran off the road. Just before I got there the critter, which was then determined to be a rabbit, got back on the road running the same direction I was riding. I had to swerve to avoid smashing it. As I road alongside it finally ran off the road again. I figured it would soon be road kill.

For pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6034574142225470305?authkey=CNv1_pSAp5r_OA


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