Minnwichigan; Day 7; July 11, 2010

Today we took the ferry to Mackinac Island. A shuttle bus picked us up at the motel and took us to the boat. Then it was off to Mackinac Island.Our boat ride took us under the Mackinac bridge, which we will be riding over tomorrow.Mackinac Bridge

Chris and I took an 8 mile bicycle ride around the islandour ride around Mackinac Island while Carl and Marge took a horse carriage tour. We followed that up with lunch at Millie’s on Main. We had an authentic beef pastie and a few other delicacies. It was very good food. Ice cream (from Sanders) followed lunch. The ladies did some shopping, which resulted in more poundage in our trailers.

It was a fun day on the island with great weather – nice and cool – high in the 60’s.

When we arrived back at the motel we finished off the day with a trip to the laundry facility to clean some clothes.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6034992173178020897?authkey=CLfWgZ-Q3ezamAE


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