Minnwichigan; Day 13; July 17, 2014

Sunny and 68 degrees as we rode out of Peoria this morning at 8:30. We rode west on Hwy 116corn alley; Hwy 116 east of Peoria, ILand crossed the Mississippi from Niota, IL to Ft. Madison, IA.

We stopped at Tim & Deb’s home outside Montrose, IA before going to Ogo’s Restaurant in Keokuk for a LARRAPIN good buffet lunch (chicken, meat loaf, walleye and ham). We were accompanied by Chris’ relatives (and my friends), Deb, Tim, and Myrna. Chris and Marge rode in the car with Deb and Myrna so Carl and I were on the motorcycles. On the way back to Deb and Tim’s we rode the River Road between Keokuk and Montrose.River Road between Keokuk and Montrose, IA

After a short visit back at Deb & Tim’s we hit the road again and stopped for the day at the Sunrise Motel in Memphis, MO.Memphis (Missouri)

203 miles today and beautiful weather.

For all the pictures taken today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6037177025952540257?authkey=CObOvoPrvqvWuQE


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