Minnwichigan; Day 2; July 6, 2007

We got the hell out of Fort Dodge at 8:45 am. It was very foggy and 73 degrees. The fog was so thick that water formed on our windshields like we were riding in a mist.

Our first stop today was in West Bend, Iowa at the Grotto of the Redemption. I won’t tell you too much about it except that a Catholic priest, Fr. Paul Dobberstein, collected rocks, petrified wood, and shells for a decade before starting construction of this grotto back in 1912. It is a very impressive structure and we enjoyed the visit.Grotto of the Redemption; West Bend, IATo read more check out the Grotto’s web site (http://www.westbendgrotto.com/History.html).

Hwy 15 took us north into Minnesota, where the sun came out and it started warming up. In West Ulm Carl found one of his beloved Taco Johns, where we had our lunch. When we left there it was 91 degrees and there was a fierce west wind for most the rest of the day.being passed by two Harley riders (Hwy 15 in Minnesota)

After 323 miles of riding we stopped for the day in a Country Inn and Suites in Baxter, MN. The high temp for the day was 91.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6033132484108594913?authkey=CIz8_6HCvKaRIQ


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