Minnwichigan; Day 5; July 9, 2014

We departed Two Harbors, MN at 9:00 and it was 64 degrees. The sun was shining and the skies were blue. It was shaping up to be a great day.

We road south to Duluth, crossed over into Wisconsin at Superior, and headed east on Hwy 2. Our first stop was in Iron River, WI at the White Winter Winery.Marge in front of a winery in Iron River, WIMarge bought a few bottles of vino (Carl was carrying more cargo in his trailer) and we were on our way.

In Ironwood, Michigan we stopped at the Breakwater Family Restaurant for a decent lunch. A much better experience than the day before.

We continued east on 2 to Watersmeet, MI. Signs proudly proclaimed Watersmeet to be home of the Nimrods.I had always thought “nimrod” to be a derogatory term. Anyway, we turned north onto 45 at Watersmeet and rode to Paulding.

Just east of Paulding is the Bond Falls Scenic Site. We spent some time walking around the falls and taking pictures. We hiked up the hill to see where the falls started and found out the water in the falls comes from a lake and flow to the falls is controlled. The whole thing is a project of the UPPCO (Upper Peninsula Power Company). It was pretty nonetheless.Bond Falls

From Bond Falls we rode north to Copper Harbor where we holed up in the Bella Vista Motel with a view of a small harbor and Lake Superior from our room. The last twelve miles to Copper Harbor was a fantastic ride -  twisties through a forest!view from our rear motel room deck; Bella Vist Motel; Copper Harbor, MII believe that Copper Harbor is the northern most point in Michigan.

We rode 322 miles today and our high temperature was 66. It was beautiful.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6034252396227664449?authkey=CJOugtzFuMSLwgE


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