Kentucky Ride; Day 9

This morning the sun was shining but it was very cool.  When we woke up it was in the 40’s.  When we finally departed for Montauk State Park at 9:50 it was 51.

DSCN0414Montauk State Park is a pretty place.  We first visited the springs that make up Montauk Springs and which constitute the headwaters of the Current River.  The other springs we’ve visited were more dramatic in that there was one source of water that was quite visible in its discharge from the ground.  Not so at Montauk.  There are multiple sources of spring water and none have a forceful discharge from the ground.  We did some walking and visited the trout fish hatchery in the park

From Montauk we rode southwest through Houston, MO to Cabool.downtown Cabool, MOWe located a small café, the Corner Café, in downtown Cabool, where we stopped for lunch.  The food was LARRAPIN good.  Chris had the tenderloin dinner plate and I had chili with a grilled cheese and a side of onion rings.  WOW – great rings!LARRAPIN good onion rings (I forgot and ate some before the picture); at the Corner Cafe; Cabool, MO 

After lunch, with full and satisfied bellies, we rode west to Springfield and then south past Branson to Hwy 86 west, which took us west across south Missouri.  We crossed south into Arkansas at Holiday Island.  Chris did some shopping at Fred’s in Holiday Island and then we rode on to our motel, the Comfort Inn, in Eureka Springs.

We booked our room online this morning.  Several motels (both Best Western motels) had no rooms available but this Comfort Inn had one room left with two queen size beds.  We found out when we arrived in Holiday Island that this was War Eagle Craft Fair weekend so most motels in Eureka Springs were full.  When we checked in we were told the double queen room that we booked was really not available so they put us in a king bed suite with a jacuzzi tub for the same price.  BUENO!


We had a good day of riding, 240 miles, and mostly blue clear skies with a high of 79.  Tomorrow we head back home.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:

PS – We could not get the Kansas State vs West Virginia football game on the tube, here in Eureka Springs, so we listened to it on the laptop.  WOW!  GO WILDCATS!  A real butt kicking.


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