Another Clark on Two Wheels

My youngest son, Bryan, has been itching to own and ride a motorcycle for many years. Today half of his itch was scratched. He is signed up to take the beginning rider course towards the end of March so a few weeks ago he started to seriously look at motorcycles. For a short while he was saying he’d wait until he got his motorcycle qualification so he could test ride motorcycles before he made a commitment. Then . . . . he found a 2006 Yamaha Road Star Midnight Silverado at Reno’s Powersports ( and he had to scratch the itch.

The plan was to arrive at Reno’s shortly after they opened at 8:30 this morning but . . . . . . . . it snowed last night . . . . . . . . and got very cold. Due to street conditions we waited until afternoon. Bryan bought his bad-ass bikephoto 2aand I rode it home. It was 37 degrees under cloudy skies so it was a chilly (and fun) ride. I’m just glad I didn’t have too far to go.

Now, Bryan only has to wait 5 weeks to get his motorcycle qualification and then he can scratch the last half of his itch.


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