Texas 2015; Day 15

We left Elk City,Oklahoma this morning at 8:00.  It was 75 degrees and as we rode north on Hwy 34 we could see a storm to the west.storm brewing to the west as we rode north on Hwy 34 out of Elk City, OK We escaped without getting wet.

As we rode through Leedey, OK a sign at the edge of town said that Darla Hood of Little Rascals fame was born here. A check of Wikipedia confirms that.   (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darla_Hood)

After a gas stop in Wynoka, OK we pressed on to Pratt, KS for lunch.  Carl knew a restaurant there that served spaghetti.  Marge has been wanting spaghetti the whole trip.  Inside they informed us spaghetti was NOT on their menu.  Sometimes they serve it as a “special”.  So Marge whiffed again - strike three.  We left there and went to a Chinese hog trough, which was quite tasty.lunch in Pratt, KS

From Pratt we hustled on to Hutchinson and checked into our motel.  Then we did a tour of the Hutchinson salt mine and museum.  They call it Strataca, Kansas Underground Salt Museum.  It was a good tour but in the two hours allotted we did not have time to see everything there.on a train ride in the salt minesalt mine worker 2

After returning to our motel we walked a block to Freddy’s Frozen Custard for a cold treat.  It was quite enjoyable.  A dip in a cool outdoor pool topped the day nicely.

We rode 266 miles today.  The highest temperature we saw on our way to Hutchinson was 88.  Riding from the salt mine to the motel, however, it showed 91.  And tomorrow is supposed to be a cooker.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6162181821474056913?authkey=CPbrpqSmnNfrZA


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