Uncle Richard's Celebration of Life

My uncle died recently and a funeral or "celebration of life" was scheduled for Saturday afternoon, October 19th. Chris and I decided to drive there and we were accompanied by brother, Carl, and his wife, Marge on their motorcycle. We would leave on Friday morning, take two days to get there and come back all the way on Sunday. Carl and Marge opted to take two days for the return trip.

Friday, October 18, 2019

We left home at 8:10 under sunny skies. Our intention was to stay off the Interstate highways but we soon got it figured out that to be there in time on Saturday we'd need to utilize Interstates. So we were on back roads until we took Hwy 36 eastbound from just north of Braymer, MO into Hannibal, MO. In Hannibal we ate lunch at the Ole Planters Restaurant in the downtown area.

Leaving Hannibal we drove east on I-72 all the way to Danville, IL. Below is a photo of Marge resting where we stopped for gas in Shelbyville, IN. She likes to stretch out when she can.

We drove about 450 miles today. I think the high temperature was maybe in the low 60's but it was 53 when we arrived in Danville at 6:20.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

We departed at 8:10 again today under sunny skies. We lost an hour as we entered the eastern time zone in Indiana. Temperatures reached 67 degrees as we made our way to the area of Monroe, OH. Arriving shortly after 1:00 there was plenty of time for lunch at the Olive Garden and to change clothes for the ceremonies, which started at 3:00. It was a great memorial service followed by a dinner provided by the church.  We enjoyed the opportunities to visit with cousins that we don't often see. Here is a photo of our family group.

Total mileage today was about 230.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chris and I left the Monroe, OH area at 8:00 under cloudy skies with a temperature of 50. We had to drive all the way home due to commitments on Monday morning. Carl and Marge left later and took two days to return home. We drove 620 miles home. Along the way we stopped at the Chuckwagon Restaurant in Vandalia, IL for a very blah lunch. At 5:00 we pulled into our garage to conclude the trip.

Carl and Marge arrived home at 1:00 on Monday, October 21st.

To see all the photos taken during the trip and at the memorial click on this link: PICS


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