Tex-Mex Spring Break Tour; Day 9

We were on the highway at 8:00 AM.  It was windy, mostly sunny and 45 degrees.  Our route today was 61 north to Hutchinson, 50 east to Emporia, I-35 north to Ottawa, 59 north to Lawrence and K-10 east to the Kansas City area.

Soon after we left Pratt, as we traveled north on 61, the clouds quickly obscured the sun.

I tried to take a photo at each town or city as we drove through.

Carl stopped for gas in Florence, where we took a little break.  By the time we left Florence the sun was shining again.  We stopped for lunch at Luigi's in Ottawa.

Our trip ended at 2:05 PM as we pulled into our garage.  We covered 271 miles today and a little over 2,600 for the entire trip.  The highest temperature we saw today was 66 and it was windy all day.  We enjoyed our time with Carl, Marge, Gary and Denah - it was a GREAT trip.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link - Day 9 Photos


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