Colorado; Mountains & Aspens; Day 9

Our last day for this trip. We left our hotel in Garden City at 8:00. It was cloudy and 46 degrees. Our route today was Hwy 50 east to Emporia and I-35 into the Kansas City area.

Since there were no mountains and no aspens I decided to take a few pics as we drove east on Hwy 50 to capture the scenery of Kansas. This first photo below shows the sun trying to shine through the clouds and the second is a wind farm near Spearville, KS:

Our first stop was at a rest area in Stafford County west of the town of Stafford. We gassed up and ate lunch at Newton in a truck stop restaurant called Charlie's. With a name like that I expected a fantastic dining experience - but - it was just a truck stop. We said our good-byes and took off - Mel and Trish for home - Chris and I for the Blue Valley baseball fields to see our grandson's baseball game. After leaving Newton I realized that Poonie had rolled over 80,000 miles. Time to trade her in.

Our total miles today was 390 for a trip total of 1,929.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 9 Pics


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