Florida Trip; Day 2

It was 7:40AM, sunny and 27 degrees when we drove away from out hotel in Fort Smith, AR. The car was covered in frost and we had to wait a bit for the defroster to do it's job on the windshield.

The route today was as follows: I-540 south; 71 south to Y City; 270 east to Mt Ida; 27 south to Glenwood; 8 south & east; 53 south to Bluff City; 24 east to Little Grand Canyon, Chidester and Camden; 7 south to El Dorado; 167 south; 7 south again, south of El Dorado into LA; 7 becomes 558 south to Mt Union; 15 south through Farmerville, over lake; to Cheniere (?); I-20 east into Monroe, LA.

The drive south and east through Arkansas was beautiful as always with curved and hilly highways. In Norman, AR we came upon a little historic library.

When planning this trip I noticed on Google maps a place called Little Grand Canyon between Bluff City, AR and Chidester, AR along Hwy 24. Further online research (Google) revealed an address of 219 Ouachita Rd 332 Chidester, AR. We decided to check it out. Google maps, which we were using for navigation, showed Little Grand Canyon to be in White Oak Lake. Did White Oak Lake fill the Little Grand Canyon?

I thought seriously about turning around and leaving but Google maps showed that 219 Ouachita Rd 332 was a little further west, down a gravel road and across the dam of White Oak Lake. The gravel road turned into grass, dirt and pine needles. The Little Grand Canyon was still not visible. There was a wide path covered in pine needles heading off into the woods so we decided to explore. A short distance away we discovered what we think was the Little Grand Canyon but there were no signs identifying it as such. It was an arm off the lake. We really enjoyed exploring and we were the only people there.

Driving through Chidester, AR we came upon this strange combination of KC Chiefs and Jesus. I guess the Chiefs could use all the help they can get in the upcoming playoffs.

We ate lunch at Wood's Place in Camden, AR where we enjoyed some good chow.

We called it a day in Monroe, LA, having traveled 296 miles. The high temperature today was 53 degrees and, as you can see in the photos, it was clear skies all day.

 Click on this link to see all the photos taken today - Day 2 Photos


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