North Dakota and Minnesota; Day 4

We took off today at 7:45 am. When we left it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky and 57 degrees. We rode south and west on Hwy 61 to Duluth, MN. As we approached Duluth the skies turned mostly cloudy and about 10 miles down the road we were enveloped in fog. I’m certain the views of Lake Superior would have been superb. On the way to Duluth we also went through 3 or 4 tunnels which were kind of cool.

In Duluth we got on I-35 south and then Hwy 53 south, which took us into neighboring Superior, WI. In Superior we caught Hwy 35 south and about 10 miles south of Superior the fog was gone. The sun came out and temperatures finally started to increase.

We stopped for gas at Danbury, WI and then continued south on Hwy 35, which more or less paralleled the St. Croix River (and later the Mississippi River). At one point, near Hudson, WI, we took County Road F south, which was to cut off some mileage and time. About four miles of this road ended up being packed gravel and dirt.

At Prescott, WI we crossed the St. Croix River and had a picnic lunch at a river-side park. There were a butt load of boats on the river on this Labor Day weekend. We also saw a draw bridge in action. Just south of Prescott the St. Croix River flowed into the Mississippi River.

We continued south on Hwy 35 to a Mississippi River scenic view area south of Maiden Rock, WI where I got a few pictures. I am always impressed by the Mississippi. At Pepin, WI we stopped for gas again.

At Onalaska, WI Mel turned into a Dairy Queen and he was followed by Moyer and then Gary. Since everybody was going I had to follow. We enjoyed a little ice cream treat. The numerous Harley Davidson riders along Hwy 35 were often observed frequenting bars. That reminded me of one of the differences between HD riders and Goldwing riders. HD riders go to bars. Goldwing riders go to DQ.

Hwy 35 took us on south to Prairie Du Chien, WI. We decided to spend the night there but found that all the motels were filled up. Not a vacancy to be found. All along Hwy 35 we saw a multitude of motorcyclists and boaters who were taking advantage of Labor Day weekend.

We crossed the Mississippi River on Hwy 18 into Iowa and then turned south on a County Road (X56, I think) which took us to Pikes Peak State Park, which I’d never heard of. It was on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River just south of McGregor, IA. The views of the river were quite impressive. I recommend the stop if you’re ever in the area.

In search of a motel with vacancies we rode south on the county road to Hwy 52 south to Hwy 136 south to Dyersville, IA. We found the Colonial Inn on the north side of town that had vacancies. They filled up shortly after our arrival. We were quite fortunate because later in the evening numerous motorcyclists drove in looking for a room.

We had pizza delivered and enjoyed the chow and social hour in the parking lot. The pizza was from a local joint called Chad’s and it was larrapin good.

Another great day of riding – a high of 79 and no rain. We rode a total of 450 miles. For today’s pictures click on the following link:


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