Bryce Canyon National Park

Another BEAUTIFUL day! We left Hurricane, UT at about 8:15 and drove north to Cedar City. From there we turned on to Utah Hwy 14 eastbound. My map has this route designated as scenic and I definitely agree. At one point we could see a large canyon area way to the south. In looking at the map I'm sure it was the edge of Kolob Canyons or Zion National Park.
Also along this route we saw areas of black rock, which I believed were volcanic rock. Very cool looking.

At US Hwy 89 we turned north and drove until we reached Utah Hwy 12, which took us east. The Red Canyon area was very pretty.

At about 10:30 we arrived at Bryce Canyon National Park, where we opted to use the free shuttle for transportation around the park. That ended up being a smart thing to do. There were so many folks in their own cars that the parking lots were packed. People would drive around and around waiting for a spot to open. Bryce Canyon was beautiful. Chris and I hiked from Sunset Point to Inspiration Point, which was mostly up hill, but the sights were impressive.
After we were in the park we found out that all the view points beyond Bryce Point were closed for road work. We got in on my lifetime senior park pass but I would have been honked off if I'd paid to get in only to find out half the park was closed.

To see all the photos taken in Bryce Canyon National Park click on this link: BryceNP

Upon leaving the park we drove east to Tropic, UT, where we enjoyed a late but great pizza lunch at The Pizza Place. Our waitress was as busy as a one legged woman in a butt kicking contest but she smiled all the time and provided great service.

I wondered how Tropic got it's name since it is situated in the middle of an arid dry landscape. According to their website Tropic is . . . . . "a community, whose name reflects the beautiful fruit blossoms in the spring , green grass of summer, and brilliant colors of fall." I don't know about that.

Then we were off for our final destination, the Circle D Motel in Escalante, UT. On the way the temperature popped up to 92. We checked in, unpacked, and then went down the road to Nemo's for some ice cream. Chris had a cone while I enjoyed a peach shake - a really BIG one.

Another day in the books!

To see photos taken along the way today click on this link: AlongTheWay


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