Colorado Springs, CO to Hays, KS

There was a hiking and bicycling path behind our motel in Colorado Springs. A stream ran beside the path. Chris and I took advantage of the path for a short hike before we took off for Hays. Along the path we spotted two deer and several rabbits.
And I always enjoy the site of Pikes Peak when I'm in the Springs.

We departed for Hays, KS at 8:55. Skies were blue and the temperature was 70 degrees. Our route was Hwy 24 eastbound, Hwy 94 eastbound, and Hwy 40 eastbound into Kansas. We stopped at a roadside park (of sorts) in Weskan, KS for a picnic lunch. Along the way we lost an hour as we drove into the central time zone. At Oakley we got on I-70 which took us on to Hays.

We checked into our motel in Hays and while Chris was setting up house I went to wash bugs off the car and get some ice for our cooler. When I returned to the motel Chris was in the motel pool so I joined her. We also took advantage of the motel's hot tub.

At 6:30 we went to the home of Gary and Teresa for dinner. We enjoyed conversation and great food with them and probably stayed too late.

We eventually retired to our motel to get a good night's sleep before heading home tomorrow.


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